
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

This is a place to ask qustions about installation. Please post your questions here and I will get to them as quickly as I can.

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I'm not sure why you'd be getting that error. Try this:
1. Check that none of the installed files are blocked.

2. Try loading pachyderm on rhino before opening grasshopper. To ensure this is the case, run any pachyderm for rhino command on the command prompt.



Myself and a few other students are working on an acoustic project this summer and we are trying to apply Pachyderm to our rhino model. The problem is that the plug-in cannot access the material library in order to be assigned to the desired layers. There is simply a blank area where the list should be located. I'm under the impression that the material library is blocked, but I cannot be sure how to solve this with my current knowledge base of the software.


Is there any instructions available for installation Pachyderm Acoustic add-on from its Source Code?



how can i Drag the .rhp file from the location used in step2 to your open Rhinoceros program window.what the meaning of    "the .rhp file'  and where it

i have rhino 5 RS13

Hi Arthur, 

The dropbox link you linked to previously and the website aren't working.  Any place I can download the plug in currently??  



It is working for me. I don't know why you'd be having trouble. You are going to the right place, right?

Just mouse over the Downloads menu, and click on the link to the latest Pachyderm installer.

kind regards,


It started working and I was able to downloaded, but when I try to install it now keeps on coming up with the message that it needs version 5 SR 12, I have Version 5 SR14 installed and the installer just says that it was interrupted and to restart the installer again and try again, though it keeps on doing this.


Could you please tell me the full path of your Rhinoceros installation?

kind regards,


D:\Program Files\Rhino\64-bit\System


Sorry this took a bit to get back to you. the installer looks for Rhino in a particular place:

C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 5 (64-bit)

This seems to work for most users, but I've been getting reports that some have a different folder name... so naturally, I'll be looking for a another way to do this next time. For now, maybe try changing the folder name. If you are worried that this will hurt your rhino installation (I don't know if it will), maybe change it before running the installer, and then change it back after Pachyderm has been installed.


I'm facing the same issue..and haven't been able to work around this.

"Unable to load Pachyderm_Acoustic.rhp plug-in.

This plug-in is designed to run in the latest Rhino 5.0 Service Release.

Please download the latest service release from"

i have SR9 installed..

any possibility of finding previous releases..





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