
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Mostapha, Chris and team HB. 

I'm trying to load materials and specs included in the EP DataSets folder (C:\EnergyPlus\DataSets\***plenty files here***) as the materials there included are not within the default OpenStudioLib file.

I cant use the import idf component because it discards materials, any suggestions? 

On the same note, the EPWindowMaterials loaded by default, using the callfromEPContructionLibrary, are weird. Most of them are Fixed windows and theoretical glass. One of them has a U-Value of 700, which I suppose could refer to a 1.3mm glass pane.

Aren't the EP materials from Data Sets supposed to be included in the default lib? perhaps I've inadvertently done something to break the import function.

kind regards, 


Views: 944

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Forgot to attach the GH file



Great work! Thank you very much. 




This is an amazing component man! Thanks! It's just what the doctor ordered :)

Kind regards,


Thanks Abraham,

worked like a charm!

all the best,


P.S. I have a question regarding the glazing generator but I'll open a new thread. 

This is a great discussion!

Mauricio, Honeybee uses OpenStudio template as the default library. I'm sure OpenStudio team would be happy to hear your comments about the glazing data-set. In the next version we will add a new input to set-up the construction based on climate zone and modeling standard (

Chris, The import Window material is huge. I wasn't actually aware of it. Well done!



I'll comment on the OpenStudio forum. 

Construction set-up based on climate zone sounds like a sweet time-saver. Let me know if you need input on the subject. I've mostly dealt with Passivhaus standard and UK L regs.



Sounds great. OpenStudio library has construction set for ASHRAE and CIBCE. It would be great to have construction sets for other standards. I'll let you know once I start the development.

Hi Mostapha,

I could potentially help for SEA. I will do a review of local regulations once I get the time.

Kind regards,






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