
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

In an attempt to discourage spam-bots on this forum we've started asking the aforementioned question of new members. Even though a majority of people get it approximately right, answers still range from 1760 to 1986*. For someone whose parents were born over a decade after WWII ended, I still find this an unsettling outcome.

I do have to admit the question is fairly irrelevant in the context of a Grasshopper Ning group, so my challenge this week to all of you is to come up with a better question. The constraints are such:

  1. It must be answerable by someone with a fleeting grasp of the English language
  2. It must successfully differentiate between people and bots
  3. It must not carry political or religious bias (i.e. "What is the One True God?" is not allowed)

David Rutten
Seattle, WA

* I don't know to what extend these answers are facetious of course.

Views: 947

Replies to This Discussion

who created grashopper for rhinoceros3d?
Hey, I said no religious bias!

David Rutten
Seattle, WA
Please name the Star Trek movie that takes place between stardates 8130.3 and 8141.6.
The Wrath of Khan

Given the purpose of this community, we could ask something geometrical. We were discussing this when Carlos added the question to the entry page.

What is the area of a square with edge length 2?
What is the perimeter of an equilateral triangle with edge 5?

The bad news is that some machines know how to answer these questions...

- Giulio
McNeel Europe, Barcelona
Gretchen's famous question presented to Faust:

"Now tell me, how do you take religion?"

„Nun sag, wie hast du’s mit der Religion? Du bist ein herzlich guter Mann, allein ich glaub, du hältst nicht viel davon.“ (German)
answer to life the universe and everything?
Sorry... machines discovered this, too. :)

- Giulio
McNeel Europe, Barcelona
The name of the plugin is composed of two words. Name the first/second one.
What is the common nickname of the 3d modelling software created by McNeel?
What does the "R" in NURBS stand for?
What's the color of this forum's webpage header?
How do you call an ellipse with an infinite number of symmetry axes?
I like the colour approach. "What is the colour of the Grasshopper Splash" might be a good one too.
Though I guess that means no more protanopes and deuteranopes in this forum.

David Rutten
Seattle, WA
How about: "How many legs are there in total with a grasshopper sat on the back of a rhinoceros?"






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