
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

how could i achieve this more elegantly?

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Flip Matrix
sorry, i do not understand...
the component flip matrix

sorry, i know that he meant the component but do not know how to solve the problem with it.

i want to weave some lists into each other without the BANG-component (as seen above)

thank you!

replace both the bang and the weave component with a flip matrix component.


{0} (N=3)

{1} (N=3)

{2} (N=3)

{3} (N=3)

{4} (N=3)

{5} (N=3)


Passing this structure through a Flip Matrix the new tree will be:

{0} (N=6)

{1} (N=6)

{2} (N=6)


i.e. all the List item 0 on one branch, list item 1 on the next etc.

ah stupid me.

takes some time to manage data etc.

thank you!






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