
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Newbie. Is there a way to use distance logic to create a spaceframe that could be warped?

I'm looking to create a Spaceframe structure (3d grid) that is able to be adjust for density (attractor point), remove points in the grid to create cavities, etc.


I created a conceptual video demonstrating this:

^I was using strictly a plugin for Adobe After Effects that was taking my OBJ point grid, and I could easily dictate:

  1. the number of connections (lines) for each point 
  2. the minimum and maximum distance that it "searched" to connect points, easily facilitating the grid "pattern" by distance, rather than list logic
  3. ability to "warp" the grid by adding noise at certain points

It seems easy to create the 2d grid of points. But not so easy connecting them by distance? or "nearest x" and "nearest y" value in a 3d manner. 

I've looked at

  • Spaceframe using offset surface in Z direction, creating surface UV grid, connecting the UV points, and adjusting the connections based on lists, but once again gets messed up when list is adjusted

Neither of these work perfectly when creating a complex 3D grid of points.

Any Ideas? Maybe Kangaroo is the best approach to warp the grid?

Views: 2407

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Got a great start, Karamba can connect nearest neighbor with a maximum distance and number of connections!

Karamba is awesome 

KARAMBA is indeed a great tool. 

You don't need it for a nearest neighbor search, though. The native GH Proximity3D will let you also specify a minimum distance.

Hi this is very interesting!!!

Just wondering how you utilised the grid definition from 2D to 3D, could you please describe a little?? or would you like to share/send the script?

thanks for sharing your results :)






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