
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi GH community,

I need your help. Hopefully this is a quick fix. I've got a waffle slab that runs over a doubly curved surface, everywhere at a uniform extrusion. I'm trying to get that extrusion to be taller the closer it gets to the highest points of the surface, and shorter it gets to the lowest points of the surface. (I've drawn black curves on the surface that are the highest points, or at least they are the attractors).

Any ideas?

Thank you!

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Something like this?


I propose you another way with BowerBird (I wanted to discover it), it is not what you want but you say waffle and  there is BB waffle !!!

First I divide your surface in order to do it with more control points, these new points will be attracted by curves and moved on z by a factor depending on distance from curve, changed by graph mapper and by a constant thickness. This will give you 2 surfaces, one unchanged an another on the top. These surfaces will be closed by lofting their edges and joined.

The closed surface will be meshed and send to bowerbird waffle. 


This is also great, I can use this too! Thank you!

Just a little update on slab extrusion, for a good vizualization. But not useful for fabrication as 2D is used, not 3D.


This is great. Thank you!





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