
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi. I have been trying to make a simple boolean difference script.
The purpose is simply to subtract a list of solids from one big solid, one by one.

I would quess that this could be done in a simple loop in a VB-script component, but I can´t make it work.

1. how can I see which inputs, the "RhUtil.RhinoBooleanDifference...." function needs?

If anyone has done such a script or can help me on my way that would be really nice.

Best Rasmus

Views: 848

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Rasmus,

do you have access to Grasshopper 0.7? RhinoCommon makes it somewhat easier to perform solid booleans.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Hi David.

Well once I get the newest service release I will try out GH 0.7. As you have probably figured out, the need for making the script arose because of problems with the boolean difference component.

So I will try that out as soon as possible. What is RhinoCommon though?

By the way Rasmus, you can get the latest service release here:
Rhino Service Release 8
RhinoCommon Wiki page

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Everything works perfect and much more smooth with the new version and service release.... Beautiful! Thanks for help - nice job.



I have been working on creating the same type of script would you be willing to post your solution?




Sorry for the late respons... actually I didn´t make the script, because the new version of GH was working fine with the diff. component.







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