
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello Guys,

I'm actually working on a real project with GH. My very first time since I've been using it. Now I do have a recurrent problem. I'm dividing a Srf with the isotrim and teh divide domain² technique. This works super fine with squarish surfaces (4 points), but as soon I try it with a more complexe Srf. i.e. one that comes from a polyline (always planar) the isotrim coponent tends to draw a untrimmed surface. Is there a way to avoid this and isotrim the original trimmed surface?

thank you in advance



Views: 689

Replies to This Discussion

Hove you got a picture?

maybe interpolate curve surface division points them split surface. a picture would help.

HEllo guys thanks for your replies. Here is a simple example of my problem. Left side the surface is a simple square. Division works fine. The one on the right side is a polyline conveted in to a planar surface, the division untrimmed the planar surface and creates unwanted geometry.

Any ideas?





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