
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

So, I've got a tower that twists, and is scalable to a degree, using two catenary chains to form a vesica piscis-type ellipse. What I'm trying to do now is make each floor of the tower scale according to a graph mapper that I've attached, which allows me to scale the "floorplates" essentially any way that I want, rather than according to distance from a point or something like that.

However, the error occurs when I'm using the graph mapper, because the uniform scale button is scaling my floorplates in the z-direction, as well as the x and y directions, even though I'm scaling each floor around it's centroid, which should mean that there's no change in the z-direction.

The file is attached. The error occurs in the "elliptical tower" script. I've accomplished what I want to do successfully in the script labeled "twisting tower 3", but without the geometry that I want. The only answer that I can come up with right now is that some error is occuring because I'm using 2 catenary chains to create the planar srf and trying to read the centroid off of that, rather than using a closed ellipse like I did in "twisting tower 3". Hopefully the answer is some human error that has an easy fix, and I'm just not seeing it.

By the way, some parts of the "elliptical tower" script perform slowly since I added in the Planar Srf button, so give it a moment to think if you play with any parameters like rotation or length of the chain.

P.S. I've thought about using the Scale NU button, but that would require me to add in a vector rotation string of buttons like I did to rotate the vectors of the catenary chain, which I'd like to avoid if possible, since my script already seems to be getting pretty heavy.

I've tried to explain as clearly as I could, and I've labeled to rhino script as well as the grasshopper.

Thanks so much, any help is greatly appreciated.


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You need to make sure, the curves are joined in the order of your centroids and factors.


Thank you,

Can't view the files at the moment because I'm running Rhino 4 w/ grasshopper...but I'll be able to view them on a friend's machine in a couple hours...what you're saying makes sense though. Thank you very much for the input.






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