
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

trouble with painfully slow display, even when locked

i have what i feel to be a fairly simple definition, that takes a surface and spits out a mesh according to some custom specs...But it's virtually impossible to get anything done since the gh canvas is all held up. I have tried locking but it does nothing. I find that if i accidentally zoom to a spot where there are no components, things move at a decent clip, but as soon as they renenter the display I can barely do anything.

anyone know why this might be?

Views: 483

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Gabriel,

The display gets slower and slower the more it has to draw. I've recently come across several large documents that were slow to display and I'm currently trying to speed up the redraw. Please mail me your *.gh file and I'll include it in the optimization tests.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Hi David,

Does that mean it would speed up the redraw just by reducing the size of the gh window because it reduces the canvas and amount of visible components?







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