
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Sweep problem, section and surface does not follow rails

someone can help me understand why the surface does not follow the rails?

thanks in advance

Views: 546


Replies to This Discussion

Everything looks OK to me. But I set Preview Mesh Quality in GH to High Quality and moved the Opacity slider up to 100%.

Hi Birk thanks for your reply.
I saw it, the sweep is ok but I realized that the problem lies in section
curves used in the sweep. The three points used to orient the section curves,
due to the shape of the object, not always form angles of 90 degrees (as you
can see in the images) this implies that the section curve is not oriented properly
on the two curves bringing the sweep surface to break away from the polysurface
and not follow the rail curves. Now I wonder if there is a
way to avoid this problem?






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