
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, I would like to make a surface from some points I've created. The points are all in the same xy plane and the surface I would like to create is a polygon. I've tried this using the surface from points component, but I get not the result I want. After seeing this post (, I thought the U-input should be set at 6 for my surface, but then it says "The u-count value is not valid for this amount of points". When I set the value at 2 or 4 , it does create a surface, but not the one I'm looking for. Here is a screenshot of my points with the surface created for U=2. 

Views: 2080

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Please always post your definition, its easier that way.

Hi Michael, what do you mean with my definition? I don't understand.

upload your grasshopper and rhino files.

These are my files


Im sorry I still dont understand what you want the result to be. can u model what it should be in rhino and show a screenshot?

I've never used rhino outside of grasshopper, but I've drawn the surface in photoshop so you can see what it looks like. Hope you understand my intentions now?

Well that is why, surface from points works with 4 point surfaces I believe, like panalizing a surface. However here is a solution to your problem. 


Thanks a lot Michael, works fine!






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