
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi All,

I've made a slightly clunky workaround for the problems that I ran into with Mr. Rutten's "region slits" component.

What I needed was a definition that aided with the assembly of a large, moderately complex "waffle" construction that could:

1.  create slits for fabrication

2.  account for slats (surfaces) that are not intersecting orthagonally (by widening slits)

3.  aid in guiding an assembly logic for a waffle construction with many complex overlaps, so that the slats had an "order" for possible assembly

What I made is this cluster.   It asks for two "sets" of surfaces that act as "inner" and "outer" slats in an assembly, using a "guide" mesh for orientation toward "outer".

By using it multiple times as a chain, one can build up more complex frame of overlapping slats--  and the chain is accordingly the construction order for the "sets" of slats.   Well, worked for me!

(below) -- colored slats showing "sets" in assembly

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I should add the caveat/clarification that although multiple surfaces within a "set" CAN be intersecting each other, the definition will not consider those intersections.   This only matches one set with another, cross-referencing set-by-set.

If one "set" does have intersecting surfaces, you will have to break them out into different sets and run them through the definition.  Basically, it forces you to ensure and understand constructability by doing it one group at a time.

Cool beans.  Nice job!

Thanks so much for this!






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