
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi people,

I wan't to shift a path but wrapping the last path to be the first path. I think the only possible way to do this is with relative items component, but it seems a bit overkill. Is there an easier way to do this? Any possibility of having a wrap boolean added to the Shift Paths component. 

Thanks again!

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Not sure, if this is what you are after. But if yes, I agree it is a little to much effort.

Yes thank you Phillip, I actually thought I could accomplish it with the relative Item's component [Relitem2], but I couldn't. However your method changes the path structure. My path structure is:

{0;1},{0;2},{0;3}, (note that the first item is NOT {0,0})




Well I'll just upload an extract of the definition. The data path should be the same, but with the items in the last path shifted to the first path, and the items in the first path shifted to the second path and so on.

I'll keep trying. 


You mean the last path element becomes the first?

{0;1;2;3} -> {3;0;1;2}


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

No David, I should have uploaded a pic... What I want is that the items in the last path go to the first path; the items in the first path go to the second and so on...

I'm going to try flatting it all and using the tree stat's, and shift list component. 

Ok I get it. You certainly can't keep the paths intact in that case as the order of paths is defined by their sorting order. Since you're going to have to invent all new paths, you might as well go for a {0}, {1}, {2} etc. pattern.

This is a fairly hard-core way of doing it:


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

I think it does the same as this. But I can't keep the data structure :( It's a bit disappointing, because I'm doing paneling and the "a" in {a;b} was the u division, and the "b" the v division.

Thanks again David. 






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