
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi I was trying to select mesh by colour , but there is still something i miss .

thank you ! 

ps: for the structural analysis i used the plugin millipede by sawapan. 

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What do you mean by "select"?

hi David , 

what i was trying to do is to group all the mesh's faces by their colour, and create a new mesh starting from this "division" , in order to have a mesh with all the faces that are red , blu,green...

Your vertices have colours, meaning each mesh quad actually has 4 different colours on each corner, plus all the blended ones in between. So there's no single 'face colour' you can filter for.

Also it seems like the colours vary gradually across the mesh, rather than being chosen from a discrete palette. This means that even if you were to average all the colours per face and filter based on that, you'd probably just end up with individual faces because no two are exactly alike.

hi David, 

i got what you say, do you suggest any strategy in particular? is there anything i can try to solve the problem? 

The attached file measures the average colour of all faces, then computes the distance from this average colour to some target colour. If this distance is more than some tolerance, the face is removed from the mesh:


And why not internalizing data ? The problem you have seems to be with the mesh not Millipede or Kangaroo !

Is there something useful here ?

yes i agree with you my problem is not with millipede or kangaroo, but i have a problem in separating the faces according to their colour . 

Thank you i'm going to take a look to your link . 

I just said that because I didn't manage to make your script work. I had to kill RH GH! So I didn't look at your real problem.






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