
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Just went live, thanks for all the support guys! Can't wait to hear feedback and suggestions.


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Hi Oleg! I´ve enjoy very much controlling with the ipad. Is very fast and works perfect. Very elegant for presentations! Congratulations!!! and thanks for let me try.

A version for iphone?

Haha! Thanks Lucas! Stick with us, we have a ton more ideas on how to keep making this thing better. 

Using app you can relax your hand from continuos position with the mouse. I love this app and i am very exciting for new ideas (very complete now)
I miss the esc button in the keyboard, i know it isn't a good practice but a fast way to begin a new comand from keyboard whitout going to icon one in rhino...

Currently, if you activate the radial menu with your 3 finger tap, and cancel the menu, that will cancel your command as it also activates an escape command (we thought of this).

(secrets of the app. :D)

We're going to develop an awesome new system soon that will make everything even easier. 

looks great!


wish there was an iPhone version, atleast to control the viewport in Rhino, that would be a nice "Lite" version maybe?




We're definitely looking into it. 


that would be a very nice addition to your offerings for us unfortunate ones without an iPad.  ;-) 


I'm so jealous, cause I'd love to have one just for your app!



I dont have any I-things yet, but this is "on my mind" on facebook, hope the word spreads!

How do we get it?

go to their webpage





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