
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Forgive how horribly I'm about to explain this. I'm designing some folding lines. Repeating them horizontally is no problem, but repeating them vertically is confusing me because the next repetition is based on the previous repetition. The next segment begins where the previous ends.


Attached I've got five iterations. The five line segments exist in branches {0;0;0} to {0;0;4}. The problem is translating the segments of {0;0;1} to the end points of {0;0;0}, then translating {0;0;2} to the new end points of {0;0;1}, and so on.


Not sure of the lingo—is what I'm after a feedback loop? A recursion? Whatever it is, it'll make adding lines far less tedious. I built the example by manually copying each translation, as you can see in the script attached.


Hope this isn't too botched to understand what I'm going for. I can try to clarify anything that's particularly murky.


Views: 1146


Replies to This Discussion

If recursion is what you're trying to do you can either:


A) script it with VB, C#, or Python

B) try using Hoopsnake, the recursion component: 

Thanks, I think Hoopsnake is what I need. I'll give it a shot.





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