
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I notice the rectangle and rectangle 2pt components (also polygon) do not have a default stored value in the radius input, thus they fail if you do not specifically put one in.  It seems to me that they did once, but maybe I was imagining things...  Anyway, I don't know if this is just an oversight or there is a specific reason why it should be this way, but IMO the default value in all these should be 0 and not "empty"...

Thanks, --Mitch

Views: 352

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Mitch,

yeah, they used to have zero. They will again come 0.9.0013. 

It's possible that there will be other number parameters that used to have defaults that are now missing, keep on reporting them when you find them.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hey David,

Can you maybe put the old rectangle component back in, purty pleez? 



The Domain component is also empty (if you haven't already noticed) would be practical if it had defaults 0 to 1

Thanks, --Mitch





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