
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

In need of some help..

I'm having a difficult time trying to understand at which point and in what manner gh generated the ordering of paths for a set of surfaces that were generated from lines. As you can see from the image I'm trying to apply a cull pattern to a list to generate the extruded surfaces (pattern works fine) ;however, the ordering of paths for the smaller original surfaces does not seem to be in a specific order.

highlighted is the listed item 2 which is not right after listed item 1. 

How do I order these properly so that it goes from the first item in the bottom-left corner to the last surface in the top-right corner?

Thanks in advance-david

Views: 807

Replies to This Discussion

The path order is most likely determined by the order in which objects are referenced from Rhino. Without the files it's hard to tell, but it looks like you're extruding plan curves which are then trimmed.

To order them you have a couple options:

_If you are referencing the plan curves from Rhino you can select them individually. This should set the order in GH.

_Or you could set up a routine to automatically sort the plan curves for you. You could use the start or end point of the curves and use [Sort Point] or [Sort List].
the surfaces are generated from lines which are generated from a grid I created in gh. what you see as the black curves are rhino objects that I used to generate surfaces inorder to generate the grid

thanks for the reply

this is what I was looking for. thanks a lot taz.
I've cheated my way into getting the result by listing each surface to find out their order (1=9,2=10,4=0...17=12) and use the Weave tool to re-order them in the desired order, highlighted in the picture

any suggestions on how to get this order without using the Weave tool?






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