
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi to All,

After this post, I'm so impressed by how David you are so available for proposal and improvements on Gh... 
So after playing for a wile, well, why not to add a couple of proposals myself...!
Feel free to ignore them, or to remove this thread.

They are just a couple of thoughts:

1st idea: It would be great to right click on a slider and reset it to a "original" value (maybe just a click on a little icon next to the name, so it is even faster).
This can be handy when using Galapagos, as all the sliders gets changed...and the fastest way I found so far to reset them is to close and open the GH file.
But I bet as Galapagos is so new... well... maybe this is something you already thought about!

2nd idea: Having parametric sliders (with inputs).
Imagine you want a slider to vary from x to y... now you have to type in the values. It would be good to set set x and y with inputs.
This is actually very useful using Galapagos, but quite useless in all the other cases...
Probably than the best way to do this is to add a feature in Galapagos to use domains as inputs... but I read somewhere that you are working on this already!

3rd idea: Change the value (or range) of multiple sliders.
Imagine you want all the sliders you have to be =2... and imagine to have 20 sliders... if you select them and right click on one, it will only change that one. (not the selection). Would be good to edit a selection. (or maybe there is a way and I don't know it?)


Well, don't know if that will help somehow, but they are just thoughts! ;)
Thanks if you will consider them!!!
Compliments again for the incredible hard work on GH!


Views: 257

Replies to This Discussion

1st idea: It would be great to right click on a slider and reset it to a "original" value

What is the original value?

2nd idea: Having parametric sliders (with inputs).

The problem here is what happens when you supply multiple limits? Do I generate one slider value per domain? Which value do I draw on the screen? When the limits are adjusted, should the slider value remain as much the same as possible or should it be remapped with the same normalised ration?

What you can do now is plug a Unit slider (0.0 to 1.0) into a domain mapping component. This has the exact same result without adding ambiguity to the slider (but of course it does require an extra component on the screen).

3rd idea: Change the value (or range) of multiple sliders.

Yeah there's no way to do this right now. I'll need to think about a UI for this.

David Rutten
Seattle, WA
1st idea: It would be great to right click on a slider and reset it to a "original" value

Try Solution > Save State... to set your slider values

Then Solution > Restore State if you wish to reset them
Thanks for the answers!

taz: I didn't know about Save State! That is exactly what I was thinking of...!

For David... i didn't think about a 0...1 slider, that solve exactly what i was thinking of! ;)






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