
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,
I'm taking a n number of centroid points and using an attractor to offset them and then interpolating a curve through the offset centroids, however the order of the points changes when i offset and gives me an undesired result, was wondering if there was a way to fix this issue w/o having to use list item to reorganize the points. Thank you

Views: 457

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Boris,

I do not understand why your face order is changed after the offset?
You are sure that it is not the same order than before?

If you'll post your definition I'll take a look on it.

Hi Boris,

it's difficult to tell without seeing the definition - curve offsets change the tree structure, so you need to take that into account when you join paths again. Also, did you check the order when re-connecting? Are you sure that the square on the right side are not then moved "to the left" (it would seem that the order would then be right)?

- Giulio
i seemed to have found the problem, the surfaces where offsetting inversely, offsetting inside the square and then back out again causing this issue. Thank you though for your help, i went back and took a good look at my def. and found the problem.





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