
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear GH users,

over the next 3 weeks (till November 12th) I'll be in Seattle at McNeel headquarters discussing the road ahead for Grasshopper 2.0. I'll probably have very little time for support and discussions during this period.

The major topics discussed for GH2 during this period will be:

  • Documentation/Help
  • GHA/Cluster/VB/C# App-Store
  • Localization (i.e. languages other than English)
  • Constraint Engine implementation
  • Improved VB/C#/Python development tools
  • Multi-threading the solver
  • Building a Mac version

If you feel something important was left out, please let us know here. Note that incremental improvements and bug-fixes are not worth discussion as we'll try and get around to them no matter what. Topics on this list have to fit the "Are we going to try and do X?" format.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

Views: 10500

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sorry,I don't know where my class can be put?

In Custom additional code.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

got it

All of the things on the list sound nice but don't really have much to do with the features of GH itself, so I guess my suggestion might be inappropriate, but still: better usability. As in easier and more intuitive data management (regarding trees) and better previews of what component does what (which item it represents) are the kind of things that what would help popularise GH a lot.

Hi Duncan,

not to worry, usability is a high priority. It is however not something that needs to get decided on. Everyone already agrees this is a worth-while goal. The discussion will be about (major) features which not everyone might agree with. If a feature would require months of developer effort or even the hiring of a new employee then it needs to be clear everyone involved thinks this is indeed worth the investment.

In other words, my list of talking points is not to be confused with a to-do list for GH2*, it's a list of things for which we need to decide whether or not they'll go onto the to-do list.

*I maintain a sketch book with the actual to-do items, but I'm not making it public yet.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

That sounds great David. Can't wait for what you'll do for GH2.

One comment to localisation: I really think you may want to save resources here and only implement mandarin, if anything. In my eyes, the Chinese are the only serious segment of users that may require to find native language support in order to be won over for GH use. Users from elsewhere in the world should be smaller in number, and are likely able to use GH in english just fine.

I would like to see a spanish translation but instead of McNeel doing that work, would it be possible to have an accessible localisation file so that the user could modify it and share their language translation?

Hi Frane, Duncan,

localisation is obviously a huge amount of work, but even before that work can be done I need to do a huge amount of work to make it possible to localise GH in the first place.

If we decide that localisability is called for (very big if), then I'll definitely open up the language files so the translations can be crowdsourced.


David Rutten

München, Germany

Node To Code <--> Code to Node

I was recently at eCAADe where I saw Robert Aish show off the recent developments in DesignScript.  Now keep in mind, I've been seeing 'updates' in DesignScript at different conferences for a good number of years.  While always mildly interesting, I always wondered what was novel in integrating a new programming language a debugging paradigm into software. 

This last presentation was different.  The main difference: DesignScript now has a visual programming interface much like grasshopper.  The background to this is the ability to shorten the curve between beginner programmer and someone who actively programs for solving design issues.  All of the scripts can be quickly shrunk down to a component, connected to other components, multiple components can be clustered, that cluster can be unclustered to reveal the code that is the makeup of all of the components' code.  It seemed very seamless to go from node components to code and back again.  This was very impressive and I feel could be quite useful if implemented correctly in GH.  I am not saying this is an easy undertaking, just throwing it out there as I think it would be a major change in the way the software is currently conceptualized.

p.s. R. Aish did give props to GH in his presentation.

It might be worth mentioning here that ArcGIS includes a visual programming interface called "ModelBuilder". Model Builder "models" can be converted directly into python scripts. The script export feature is an excellent learning tool.

I also saw Aish talk recently and was very interested in some kind of node to code process that could help me bridge the gap between visual programming and learning to write script... 

New licensing method for rhino more like adobe cc and not only using zoo server for multiple computers. It's gives me problems using my laptop and desktop..

And more and better inplimentation for multiple .gh files and connection between. Perhaps a hierarchical controle.. And some kind of canvas sharing, like google docs..

A web viewer and some kind of cloud service would be nice too. :-D -> Grasshopper web browser app (if you have a server or a mcneel cloud solution. GH -> tablet, phone, television e.g. hehe )

I would gladly pr. 10-20 usd pr. mounth for RH, GH and some kind of awesome cloud solution, but it need to be awesome of course :P (student)

if there came a grasshopper mac version I would consider to buy a mac ;-) hehe





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