
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have a tree with many branches and each branch has 3 points. I wanted to use the inscribed circle component to make a circle using those points, however it takes three inputs.

Naturally I used the bang/explode component, but it explodes it to the point where I have to manually connect a lot of stuff. Is there a better way to explode the tree so that I only get three outputs to connect to the three inputs of the inscribed circle?

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi JS, after the vertices output, use a List Item component, with two extra outputs.

Just use a List Item Component connected to the vertices component and then zoom it on this and press the + a couple of times to get the extra outputs required them plug these into the inscribed circle inputs,

No need to add/change the i input of the item component.

This works as each set of 3 points is in a branch so you are just selecting one from each list at the same time.


Thanks Pieter and Matt! The solution is so simple! :)





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