
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all!


Maybe this has been asked 300 times already, but I have some difficulty in finding it on the forum.


Is there a way to move all output from one component to another? There are several different outputs in the polygon component and I would like to move all of them to the new, moved component.


I always try to already include a seperate [crv] component after drawing the polygon that's important, so you can easily put another input in that component. If I forget, I always reconnect all the seperate lines, but this is quite a lot of work. Any other way to do this?


Thanks! Anja


Views: 2858

Replies to This Discussion

I see that there will be a strange loop in this example, but I think you know what I mean :)

If you press Ctrl+Shift you can then drag all the wires from one parameter to another. Will that work for you?


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Pity I didn't found this answer earlier...... It works for me, thank you!

Ha, thanks David...I wish I knew that weeks ago ;)





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