
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Guys,


Is there a way to merge two triangular mesh faces within a pre-defined angle tolerance? I am trying to get rid of any extra triangles in my mesh.


How could I measure the angle between mesh faces? That could be a good start :)


Looking forward to your suggestions,

Many thanks,



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This is something I am finding that there are severe bottle necks with GH when I convert the faces of a mesh to a surface using teh vertices of the face to define each surface. The reason I did this is that I wanted to offset and manipulate the facesof the mesh and it seemed that surfaces have a lot more geoemtrical methods available to one for workign with geometry.


Is there any reason for large bottlenecks when converting a mesh to individual surfaces? Is there a MeshToNurbs component that might improve performance? May be we need more mesh geometrical components?

Hi RubberDuck,


I guess this is mainly due to Rhino being a NURBS modelling tool initially? I agree with the "MeshToNurb" Component which would be so useful and also if possible a "MeshAngle" one which would give all the angles between mesh faces.


Actually the mesh split is also giving me a hard time by not always working but this is more related to Rhino than GH I would imagine...





I had these issues with Rhino 5 32 bit. May be 64 bit Rhino 5 will be better?





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