
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Make a straight line in rhino into an adjustable curve line with grasshopper


Im a newbie in grasshopper and want to transform a straight line in rhino into an adjustable curve line with grasshopper. My idea is to have the graph mapper adjust my line. Although there maybe better ways than this, please feel free to point out.

This is done by pulling down points in rhino as an example. On the right is what i tried and faild miserably.

I've looked into some examples but couldn't get it working.

Views: 7369

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Well ...

IF this is some AEC oriented thingy and in order to simplify things (at later stages: skin and the likes) I would strongly suggest to use a Bezier Span (only 2 vectors required) in order to go from straight to curvy. This yields "smooth" rails for sweep2 etc etc and avoids unnecessary complexity in the future skin of yours (Note: this "method" is NOT applicable if you have "twisted" skins in mind). 

Additionally and if further restrictions are required (as happens in real-life: skin and the likes) you'll have far less "constrains" to manage.

Another classic way to do it is to orient your profiles (rotated and/or scaled [here's a typical case for a graph mapper]) using perpendicular planes derived from some (tower) axis ... and then loft the sum of profiles (or sweep2 pairs of rails and profiles if you want to have individual control on the skin sides).

In all the cases surface "modules" need some planarization policy (case: quads for curtain wall items) or triangulation. Triangulation appears "easy" (and academically speaking is) but in real-life is a giant rabbit hole with regard curtain wall aluminum systems (that don't leak in the long term)


Thanks for the reply. I tried your first suggestion and it kinda what i was looking for except i want more control adjusting the curves without having to set new points. And i think i also need more points to adjust the curves too because i want the whole line to be a gradual curve.

On the right curve same place as i did the grasshopper with on the left is what I'm trying to achieve. Then with 2 curves i would then create a twisted skin.

For your second suggestion I don't understand at all, like i said I'm still new to grasshopper, sorry but could you elaborate more on that?


OK, I'll prepare a simple demo on that matter (2nd suggestion) soon.

In the mean time get this that ... well ... it's an oversimplified "translation" (about 5%) from something  else that does some twisted tower. I fact the def does stuff quite close to the 2nd suggestion.

Notice the skin policy for lofting: profiles PER FLOOR. You'll see at some later time (you must gain "some" experience to understand the reasons) why this is a critical factor when designing things NOT for academic talking.

Lesson of the day: ALWAYS have the curtain wall system in mind. 


Sorry for the late reply, just saw this. Thanks for the help. Really appreciate it.






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