
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everyone

I've been trying to duplicate a base model several times while each copy has a certain modification. The duplication has to be on the different axes while each axis has a different parameter changing systematically (x - width, y - height, z - opening angle) and  all the combination should appear in the spaces between them, thus creating a kind of a three dimensional diagram of the different model variations.

I've attached the gh file Now, The model is probably not the most efficient one so if you guys have any suggestions on how to optimize it they are very welcomed... I'm a bit new to Grasshopper so bear with me here....:)

I've been playing with the Hoopsnake component for a while now but I can't seem to get the hang of it completely, and looping just might not be the answer here.

I'm familiar with a bit of scripting for Grasshopper so if this is the solution I might be able to handle it...

Meanwhile, I've started making it manually, maybe this will help understanding what I'm going for.

Thanks in advance


Views: 422

Replies to This Discussion

Try to understand grasshoppers data structures. List, (Matrix), Tree (think of it as N-dimensional matrix).

Generate tree structures for your parameters. Grasshopper will solve for each branch.

As far as I understand your aim, there is no need for any iteration or looping.

Hi Hannes

Thanks for the advice, can you refer me to some useful info on these topics?


Hello Alex,

attached is a definition with one way how you could do this.

If you want to know more about lists and trees have a look into the Grasshopper Primer (page 36) and/or this discussion from Danny Boyes.

Hope this helps.




Great! Thanks Martin! I guess that should do it. As I said, I'm new to Grasshopper and I'm not familiar with some of the components so it will probably take me a while to figure it all out. I might post specific questions later though if that's ok...

Thank again!


Of course, you're welcome.

Just take your time.





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