
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Distribute points along curves - CurvePull on open curves

Hi there,

simple task: I want to distribute a certain amount of points along an open curve in Kangaroo.

"Curve Pull" together with "Repulsion" works great for a closed curve, however, on an open curve all the points just move towards the curve's ends. If I turn the repulsion force higher, they will sooner or later leave the curve and fly away.

Any ideas?

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Hi Oliver,

Repulsion might work with a greater negative exponent ( eg -2 or -3), because then the fall-off is steeper.

However, I think the most efficient way of doing this would be to sort the points by their order along the curve, make a polyline, then equalize the length of the segments of this polyline, either using springs, or equalization force, depending on whether you want them to be a specific distance apart, or to fill the entire curve evenly.

See the attached definition for an example of this


Hi Daniel,

thanks for the quick reply, the definition is very helpful. I was initally thinking of repulsion forces because I'm planning to evenly distribute multiple sets of points along a set of curves (see attachment). It's basically a grid attached to curves. So maybe your apporach will work there as well!









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