
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Guys,


I have been using Giulo's definition to make diagrids and was wondering if anyone knew how to do uneven/irregular diagrids?


Many thanks,



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Hi Arthur,

I'm not an expert in Grasshopper, but maybe this thread can help you:
Thanks Guy.

It's an interesting discussion but i would like to do the same with a diamond-like pattern if possible.
In an effect like the British Museum Great Court roof?

I've been thinking about adding that type of network relaxation into my Grasshopper plug-ins for a while, haven't had a moment to do it yet.
Hi Jon,

The best for me would be to make the pattern denser where needed either using a graph mapper, an attractor point/curve or just the curvature angle of the surface itself.

I know all this is available for square tiling but not for diagrids i think.
Hope there's a solution.



Couldn't you use mid-points of sqare tiles to create a diagrid type pattern?
Hi Taz,
The problem with this technique is that you won't get 4 identifiable vertices forming one diamond-shaped cell.
Hi Arthur,

the script posted on this page works on any ordered even single list of points. All it needs to know is how many points are in one direction and it will reconstruct the correct connection for the diagrid.

Therefore, just supplying a differently-spaced list of points will make the diagrid uneven. I'm attaching an example.

- Giulio
McNeel Europe, Barcelona

I've been messing with this and keep getting an error when using an extruded cylinder as the surface any idea why its not working?






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