
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Intersecting overlapping lines and removing duplicates


I have a problem with overlapping lines whereby I'm trying eliminate the possibility of overlapping lines.  The problem is best described by the attached image.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be most appreciated.

Thanks again,


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Only works for lines that are parallel along World X. You'll have to either transform them or measure them in an oriented fashion if they are are arbitrary angles:


David Rutten



Thanks a heap again for your assistance. 

Can you think of a universal solution that would work irrespective of the lines' direction in x,y,z space? 

Essentially what I have is a large set of lines which I'm firstly looking to group according to their parallelity or co-linearity in x,y,z space and then perform the operation above so that regardless of whether the lines are overlapping or not the final output will be a collection of lines which never overlap. 

Thanks again,


Have a look at this thread in it I came up with a method for both 2d and 3d once you have got the single curve you can then shatter it.

Thanks Danny, I looked at your solution a couple days ago and the issue I had was that co-linear lines which weren't overlapping were subsequently being merged into larger lines which encompassed both original lines. 

I think I may be onto a possible solution using the intersecting curves battery.  I may see if I can use the logic of your solution combined with this potential means of identifying co-linear overlapping lines.

I've attached a file which outlines the problem in a very abstract way. 




The topologizer plugin (

handles this automatically. 

That's brilliant!  Thank you very much for pointing me towards this. 

Thanks dude!





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