
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi everyone,

i have an interpolated curve passing through a set of points arranged by a weave pattern. when i draw the same curve through same points in rhino everything is fine and i have a smooth closed curve. however in the definition the start/end tangency doesn't match. why is that so?

thanks in advance for help.

Views: 1680


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hi Caglar!

wave pattern: 0 and 6 are the same points.... that's the problem!
don't use the 6. point....
disconnect point 6 and then right mouse click on the interpolated curve "p"- Set Boolean -> True

i tried the periodic curve and wasn't satisfied. i didn't think of removing the 6th input though.
but as you can see it is still not what i want to achieve. the black curve is drawn in rhino from the same set of points and same order. is there any way of getting the same one in grasshopper? otherwise when i polararray the curve, they overlap.

i know your porblem... i think it is currently impossible with the grasshoppercomponents...
try my vb_component... i used "RhUtil.RhinoInterpCurve"
you can experiment with the knot_style (same to rhino)->
the look of the curve will change (best solution with knot_style=4)

good luck

and sorry... now you 'll need the 1. point (0) as the last point (6) ;-)
right click the U input on the bBox component and set to true.
that is really cool, I like that a lot.

i would love to have a peak at this definition if you are ok with sharing it?





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