
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, I'm new in this forum, I hope I'm posting in the right place :)
I have a curve that's 78520mm long, I use the divide curve to divide it into 65 points.
Now 78520/65=1208, but instead I get points that are 1207.99mm apart along the curve...

Can anybody explain this to me?

Views: 932


Replies to This Discussion

Thanks a lot David!
I think it will be worth it to wait 2-3 days, I just have one more question... When you posted the last update of 0.7 you said it shouldn't be used for serious work, this is kind of serious work, so will it be safe to use 0.7 after the next update?
It will be safer. A number of serious crash bugs have been removed and some functionality that was missing has been restored. But I think I'll still advice people to stick with 0.6 if that's working for them now.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
What does that mean???
Taz was worried I'd forgotten about this problem and decided to 'bump' it to the top of the list.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Thanks for the explanation and great forum!
Will the new 0.7 be safe to work on important files?
Thanks boss!
you probably have to change your tolerance settings to 0.001 in rhino's properties





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