
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi there,

sorry , its a very simple question, but :
can anyboby  tell me if there is a way to print the algorythm in a better quality than screenshot  ?
Would be great to enlage up to 1m with 200 ppi , but how ?
Any idea ?
Thanks ,


Views: 1044

Replies to This Discussion

Have you tried the Hi-Res export from the File menu?

Hi-Res export uses a transparent background, but you can also change the background colour of the regular display. You'll have to edit some values in a settings xml file. I can tell you how if you're interested.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Hi David,

yes, great, I'm realy interestet!
I tried out to find some export-funktion in the File menu but -no chance...
You didn't mean that :

Thanks for helping,
Hey Denis

The reason you can't find it is because you have the an older version that david or taz are talking about. this is the lastest version.

I have been running this on a large project and not had any problems yet.

Hi Matt,

There was a warning, that older files were not running on the new version, so I didn't download.... well, thats the answer, why I didn't found...
Is that warning for general or is it just for to be sure ?

Hi Denis

It will depend on how old the version you have is now, especially if its before v6. i have bought older files into newer GH's with few enough problems not to downgrade back to an earlier version.

Though it maybe an idea to check with David about the warnings.

Hi Matt

right, I'm going to ask David , but bevor that ,
maybe there's a threat about it..

Thanks ,

You can also stitch multiple export images together:

Stitch Export Images

PNG stitching






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