
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys,

iI hope your outstanding problem-solving skills would help me this time as well. I got a cube-like building which structure is a weird organic steel frame that eventually spread out of the cube becoming a bridge.

I managed to build a definition for the cube and the shape of the structure, by lofting two parts (inside cube struct and the bridge) and merging them together.

However I got problem on populating the surface with its frame. I know they should be surfaces rather than breps and that's why I tried getting surfaces out of it (brep components > face > 2 trimmed serfs) but got no luck so far.

Attached, along the definition, you can find some sketches and few test renderings I got by baking the final brep (2 surfaces) and populating them back again in gh separately. Got ugly results at their intersection though.

Any clue? I'm in your hands!

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Replies to This Discussion

When you are mashing two breps together like this, you end up with a couple of trimmed's very difficult to get the seams along two such geometries to match up in a satisfactory way (so that you get that continuous, organic quality you are looking for).

I would suggest that you take a look at this approach outlined by Daniel Piker. It involves some "hand" drawing of simply polygons over your base geometry, but it should ultimately give you a satisfactory result.

Try a search for "MESH+" here ....   hope it helps...






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