
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How can I convert an output of -10 to 10 to 20 quickly?

I used a bunch of components to get it but I'm wondering if there is a quicker way.


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Two ways outlined here are basically the same, just that the one below, the addition component has an expression to modify Inputs A and B: Abs(A) and Abs(B) respectively.
thanks for the reply Luis.

your way is a lot cleaner than mine.

I was thinking that there would be a component that would do it with one input and one output, guess not.

I'll use your way since it is cleaner.

Thanks again.
Hi Ryles, hi Luis,
is it possible that this method does not work if the domain is from -10 to -10?
Here a small modification that uses Grasshopper's internal logic. The function is only necessary if the outputs need to be always positive. Or did you need to always sum the absolute values in every case?

- Giulio






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