
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I know its a simple 2d voronoi pattern but i tried a lot to get this but couldn't get it! help pleaseee!!

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It's Point on Curves.

Definitely i'll try 3d voronoi Danny! but for now if someone can help me with a definition to create it? 


That's simple: you place a voronoi3d component on the canvas. Maybe consult it's help on how it works.

If that doesn't help, you might try to search this forum for voronoi3d.

Danny posted a capture of the definition that you are asking for...there is no special tricks there (perhaps the only "hard" point is the "invert pattern" modification in the "Cull pattern" component, Pattern input), just plain GH components connected, so just follow the image posted above.

I suggest to you to try to understand what are you doing before start messing around with more complex stuff. Try to reproduce the solution and understand every step and connection between components that Danny showed you.

to be fair I only just this minute posted it in response to his question, but got the reply location wrong

Mmmm...I see, I didn't read the time in your post.


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