
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How do I change this gh file to create squares instead of voronoui. It should be simple.

So I need to change this to create evenly sized squares on any surface and then be able to change the amount of squares with a slider. The surface I'm trying to apply it to is fairly geometric. 

I'm still trying to figure Grasshopper out. 


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Without looking at your code, I have to say that "evenly sized squares on any surface" doesn't make sense.  What about surfaces that aren't rectangular?

Im trying to get my shape wrapped in something like in this picture I found online. When I say "even" I mean like in this picture how the squares are the same size. 

Those can't be squares, because squares can only be stitched together into a zero-curvature surface. The shapes in your image will be trapezoids, or just completely asymmetric quadrilaterals.

So how would I get these quadrilaterals to evenly cover my model? 

What have you tried so far? From the other posts you made it sounds like you have gotten a lot of different suggestions.

You mentioned that you wanted the grid of "squares" to look normal from the top view, but in image you posted above that is not the case.

My suggestion was to project squares from above, see where they land, take the vertices of each projected square (which are now all curvy because they are on your curvy surface), and create a quadrilateral from them (use polyline component with close curve set to true). 

You could also just project a grid of points instead of the actual curves, which will save you a lot of processing time, and then construct the quads from those.

Here is a screenshot of the former

Also see the attached file. I chopped your surface in half (along its equator) because I'm not exactly sure what you are wanting to do with the "squares" on the bottom of this surface?


Wow. Thanks for your help! What you got was very close. Image you took my shape and wrapped it tightly with an elastic gridded net that took the form of my shape. I understand that if all of the "squares" were exactly the same - they wouldn't be able to wrap around. They need some level of elasticity and I have no idea how to do that. 

Again thanks!

Another approach to Brian's suggestion is to use geodesics across the underlying surface. Of course that requires you actually do have the surface. If that's not the case then ignore this.





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