
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi generated a poly line frame, filleted it and generated a pipe as a frame

I redid the same but kept the ends open and lofted the two resulting curve
to generate the sheet between the frames.

of course it sticks out now.

how can I trim the surface with the pipe? I feel unable to figure that out.

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When you make the curves that generate the sheet, try including the filleted arc at their ends as well. This will not require a trim at all.

You can do this using the 'explode curve' component, and then excluding the two straight segments.
mh grasshopper is getting quite complicated here when some tools are missing.

I did what you suggested but than I end up with lines and the rounded fillet curves.

How can I extract the the curves left and right - ignoring the horizontal bars between the left
and right curves - so I can loft those back together.
Use the explode curve component, then re-use only the curves you need using 'list item' (call all indices that you need, ignore the indices of the line segments that you want to exclude).

Use the join curves component to assemble them back into polycurves, and then loft.





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