
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Arthur,

Could you please show me the usage of these two components: Pachyderm File & Pachyderm for Rhino Result.

Thanks a lot.


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Hi Sam,

If it says "Model Geometry Not Specified" it means that you are missing either surface geometry, a source, or a map. Without seeing a model I can't really say anything further about it...

Your model is surfaces or BREPs right? If it is meshes then Pachyderm won't read it.

Second: if you create a mesh in the mapping interface, and it has no colors, it is because you are in wireframe view. Switch it to shaded, ghosted, or rendered views, and you will see the colors.


Hi Arthur,

The model is attached. I realized that after trying to follow your other response and do the Hybrid module first, that won't even work and I am getting the same error: "Model geometry not specified... Exiting calculation..." This wasn't a problem before, so what am I doing wrong in this model?


Hi Sam,

Everything looks ready to go, except that the source object is disassociated. You should re-create your source object, and that will fix it.

For the future, if your source object doesn't have a dodec around it, or the receiver isn't showing its sprite, Pachyderm doesn't know it exists. You will need to recreate it.







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