
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello All-

I have been using grasshopper for well over two years, however I have never used galapagos.  So I have a question.  

I have a set of parameters set up for my script.  Basically a bunch of sliders which create a certain length (through many math functions). I then have a text box in which I want the result of those sliders going through its functions to equal.  

Now I just cant get it to do that.  Every time it just tries to find the greatest numerical value of those sliders or stops before it ever can find anything. Its never anywhere close to the number I need.  (this piece will eventually plug in to a larger piece of script in another file).  This number is always subject to change based on the user, so giving a different result for each person.

I was wondering How this could be done?

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Type in your desired value here: 

Thanks, I had no idea i could type in the fitness goal, i thought that was reserved to max or min.

Cool! Didn't know you could type in there, too.

Anyway, if you don't want to type the goal, you just need to redefine fitness.

To converge on a certain value you need to minimize the deviation. So calculate the deviation of the current length from your desired length (make sure it's absolute) and use this as fitness to minimize.

Well there is also other possibility - take your fitness value (outside galapagos) and connect it to f(x)2 components x input. Then connect to Y input slider. Set slider to desired fitness value, and type function "(x-y)^2"

Yes, I reminded it myself one time when I also couldnt(didnt know) set fitness by type-in.






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