
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi David,

Thanks for this great release. It really has a lot of cool new features and I love the face lift of the GH Panel.

I wanted to give you some feedback on the reduced toolbar.
I think it is great, since it reduces the buttons that your brain needs to process to find the component you want.

The only thing I now miss is some customizing possibility. Personally I use the Weave component a lot, so I would probably customize my toolbar to show that button as well, while leaving the rest as it is.

Also for beginners, it might be good to be able to restore the old way. Once you know where to find the components, the new way is great, but until you know your way around the buttons, it is probably easier to have visual hooks.

Maybe you could include some Boolean "Show all Components in Panel" in the "View" drop down menu.
I'm aware of the problem that with the constantly growing amount of components there needs to be some kind of reduction of the display. Personally I think your selection is great.

What do you (the community) think?


Views: 218

Replies to This Discussion


What shrunk toolbar is this? i haven't found it, but i sounds neat. Where do i find it?

It's in the new release GH 6.0043 David Rutten posted.
Have a look at David's reply to my suggestion regarding the toolbar, it looks very interesting indeed.
I believe that would be a great feature, too.
But I saw this more as an additional feature asside from the toolbar.

We'll see





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