
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all!

First of all, big thanks to the developers for all the efforts! I think this is a great idea to be implemented in Grasshopper.

I have tried to use the sample file, but I am getting an error when the components try to download the data from Openstreet. I have tried lowering the radius and modifying the location, but nothing seems to make it work.

Is there something I am missing?

Thank you in advance!


Views: 989


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Rafael,

Thank you for the kind words!!

I have just opened your file and it works without a problem on my PC.

The message you got suggests that for some reason your PC is blocking the download of both OSM data and OSM tags.
It may be due to following two reasons: your Firewall or your Antivirus are not allowing Gismo components to download data.

Can you close Grasshopper and Rhino, and try to first turn off your Windows Firewall (Start button -> Control Panel -> Windows Firewall). Then run Rhino and Grasshopper again.

If you still get the same upper notice you have in your screen, then close Grasshopper and Rhino again, and turn off your Antivirus. Then turn on Rhino and Grasshopper and.

I would be grateful if you would let me know the results of this.

Hi Djordje,

Many thanks for your reply!

I have tried switching off the firewall and antivirus, both of them are the Windows 10 default. Unfortunately, nothing changes and the error persists. I have opened and closed Rhino and Grasshopper several times and even restarted the computer but it does not solve it.

Do you have any idea on what could be happening?


Hi Rafael,

Can you paste the following link into your internet browser's address box (Firefox, Chrome ...) and hit Enter:,40.7028304899,-7...

Does that result in download of a "map" file?
If it does, then what is the size of that file? Can you attach it?


I have opened it with Chrome and I got to download the file I attach. It is around 204 kb.

Thanks again for your support!



Hi Rafael,

Thank you for this test! It means that you can access osm data through regular internet browser.

Now we have to find out why you can't access it through Grasshopper.
Would you be so kind to do the following two steps:

1) Delete your whole "c:\gismo\osm_files" folder.
2) Open the file attached below. Try running the "OSM Shapes" component. Attach a screenshot of what kind of text do you get from its "ReadMe!" output.
Thank you!


Thank you for extensive help, so far this is the error that comes from the "OSM Shapes" component.

I hope this is of some help on getting closer to the solution!



Hi Rafael,

Can you now try the attached file below?

By the way: what is your Windows operating system? 32 bit or 64 bit? And which one?


I am using Windows 10 Home, x64 bits edition, and Rhino x64 as well.

I have run your file, though the error seems to persist, please find attached the screenshot of the error.

Any ideas on what could be happening? Is there something that I can do on my side too?

I need to ask for some assistance from ironpython community.
While I wait for their reply, can you open the attached .gh file below, and post a screenshot of its yellow panel?
Just so that we are sure of your ironpython version.


Hi Djordje,

Sorry for the late reply, this is the outcome of that .gh definition.

Hope it helps

Hi Rafael,

No need for apology, half a day just passed :)
Thank you for being patient and for helping me identify the cause of the problem.

Your screenshot shows that everything is ok with you ironpyton version.

Can we try something else now?
Can you paste the same link you did a couple of days ago, but this time in Internet Explorer, instead of Chrome. This one:,40.7028304899,-7...

Does it result in a download of a "map" file which is 204 kb in size, the way it did with Chrome?

Yes, no problem at all, I am really determined to get to the bottom of the error to get GISMO properly functioning! :)

I tried the link on IE and yes, it is downloading the map file 204kb we also got on Chrome.

I there anything else we can try?







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