
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I can't seem to figure this out even after a quite some googling on this site.

I populated points on a rectangle, pulled the points on a desired 3d surface, and now want these points to create faces. Preferably either triangles or quads. I would like to compare both.

How can this be done?

I tried to use Proximity3D, which seemed promising at first, but it doesn't create lines between all points, whereas others have too many, creating intersections in front view, as you can see in the top right of the third screen I attached.

Thanks a lot in advance for your help!

Views: 1137

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Try Delaunay Mesh, Same tab as Proximity3D

Delaunay is a flat projektion algorithm. In your case, the optimal working plane should be WorldYZ.

Indeed. Delaunay doesn't work.

It should, just not in the default configuration. Did you plug a WorldYZ into the Pl input?

Sorry, misunderstood you.

I didn't because my points aren't planar?

They don't have to. But for Delauna, they need to have a consistent projection to a plane. So this won't work for boxes, spheres or any other point cloud representing a kind of 3d volume.

Toposurfaces are perfectly OK.

Thanks, I didn't know that. It works well.

Now what if I need to do the above on what you called a 3d volume surface? Say for example the closed surface of a soft and organic looking stone?






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