
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Distribution of any objects according to curve and distance to attraction points

Can You guys help me how to start with definition which result will be similiar to :

I have one plain surface and few attraction points on it. I want to distribute some (any) in this situation-birds, scaling differently and changing amount of them according to the distance of this objects. I think it could be also distributed along some curve.


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I'm not sure what went wrong in my question ?


You should add screenshots, 3dm files, possible attempted grasshopper definition, a sketch of the intent or process you imagine should happen. Otherwise, how can we help you? That is why I sent you the link. 

Hi Kuba,

I must admit when I first glanced at your question it wasn't clear to me either.

one plain surface and few attraction points on it..... scaling differently and changing amount of them according to the distance of this objects.

If all your points are on the surface what distance are you measuring?

What is "this object"

May be a sketch might help...

here you are :) 

Quick sketch

Can You guys take a look at this please? :)

There is a lot of ways to do this. Try some stuff like this. 



The rhino version is to high. I have Rhino 4. Can You change the version please? 

Hi Michael, I was wondering what is the difference between hooking up Vector2pt to the amplitude vs just hooking it up to the move component? When I tried just hooking it up to the move as shown below, it seemed to work the same.

Hi jay,

[Amplitude] allows you to set the Magnitude of the vector without altering the Direction.

In the case above the L output of [Vector2Pt] will be the same as the magnitude of the V therefore it is redundant. You are correct the Vector2pt.V and go into Move.T without passing through [Amplitude].

Danny is correct. Somethings are just habits.

In this deffinition I have lack of "Pull Point" button. Is it possible to make this deffinition without any extra plugins? 






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