
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Having some problems trying to get the data structure of a series of trees to behave the way i want it to. Quick rundown, im creating a number of trees based of a recursive branching script, where each tree is actually a number of curves in rhino. I am then refreancing those groups of curves [trees] into grasshopper so each tree [group of curves] is held in one crv compnent. this is where my problem starts. The end goal is to extract endpoints from branches in each tree, then add splines that go through those endpoints of each tree in order, i.e. point 0 - tree 0, point 0 - tree 1, point 0 - tree2, point 0 - tree 3 ......... My problem is that i cant seem to get the data structured in a way that each branch holds each tree or group of curves, my problem may be that i start with (x) lists of (y)curves in each list. corresponding to x curve components [each a tree] with y curvres in them [each a crv of respective tree in rhino] Now i say x lists with y curves becuase right now its set up 6 lists each with somewhere between 20 and 45 curves in each, but those both will be changing often through iterations. so my problem may not be changing the structure of the data but getting it structured the way i want from the begining. I cant see to pass each of those trees into a component and have it come out as x lists/branchs of y crvs each, i either get one branch with (x*y) curves in the list, so essentiall all curves in the model. or i get (x*y) branches each with 1 curve per branch, essentially creating a new branch for every single curve. I have been working with the path mapper to try and solve but no luck, like i said i think it may be somethign to do with how it is structured from the begining rather than changing it down the line. attached def and model for referance, any thoughts /ideas greatly appreciated, midcrit on wednesday and need to get this base def working so i can start pumping out iterations with added attraction and repulsion fields built into trees/points.

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Replies to This Discussion

Is this what you are trying to do?

yes exactally what im trying to do. had a feeling it was a simple solution. Many thanks


Ill try and get it up and working so i can post a few screenshots of the actual diagram through the rest of the definition





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