
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everybody,

I am looking for an approach how to print a string output when cones are just "interecting" with breps like in the picture below or completly build a "union" for the smaller brep in the cone.

And if the breps are completely outside the cones I would like to print "no touching" or false or anything like that.

I really don't know how to start on this problem. I probably will need to use VB for that or( I know a bit about VB)?

Any help is much appreciated.

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Max.

I didn't work out the entire thing, but if I understand you correctly,
you could start with something like this:

- Does it intersect? > Yes or no.

- If it does not, check if point in object (ie. Centroid) is inside the other to know if its fully contained (reason for no intersection)

(PS: if you cap the cone before, intersect may work too. haven't tested, but you do need to cap to check for containment).



You could do somthing like this.


Wow both are super easy and nice approaches. Many Thanks to both of you. I changed it a bit with a easy VB-script to print out the values for unlimited amounts of intersecting breps.

Here is the result.






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