
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Somebody knows how can I convert this kind of curves in a mesh???...

(Curves from Flowl by UTO)

Views: 10927


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Maybe find all intersection points and triangulate (delaunay). Set the points Z values according to list index of the equipotential lines.

Really depends on the smoothness ot what you want do achieve.

StructDrawRhino has some components that can help, one to split curve networks at intersections and then one to identify the cells contained.  You can create a polysurface and then mesh that.  SDR does have a curve network to mesh component but some of your cells have more than 4 edges, and it would "straighten" the edges which would give a different result.

I have to investigate the couple of slivers that have been missed but shouldn't take too long to fix. File is attached.


Thank you very much Hannes and Jon, your advices are very helpful for me... thanks again!!!...

And thank you Jon for help me with the StructDrawRhino licence... 

Regards from Colombia...






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