
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I want to make a c# component which has an input, a dropdown list and an output. The options in the dropdown list depend on the input and the output depends on the input and the selected option. What is the best way to do this ?

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If you only require a single input and a single output, I recommend making a parameter rather than a component. It's much easier to override the display of parameters. If you download the SDK helpfile you'll find an example there about creating custom display for parameters.

I have the SDK help file but cannot find anything on this. Can you tell me which namespace / class I should look into ? Thank you !

Nevermind, found the examples. But can you explain briefly how I go about creating such parameter ?

I couldn't figure out how to incorporate a dropdown list, but I ended up making it much simpler, by displaying my options in the context menu by overriding AppendAdditionalMenuItems() function. It does what I want. Thank you !

I couldn't figure out how to incorporate a dropdown list [...]

There is no 'way'. You'd have to create a dropdown list UI from scratch.





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