
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi GHA Developers-

So I've put together a number of components into a GHA, and when I load it into my own components folder, I have no trouble opening up and using the components.  But it appears that many others are having problems:

Can anyone give me a hint as to what I have done incorrectly?

thanks in advance,


Views: 785

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The problem is that you link to images on your harddrive for the icons of components. When I call the Icon property on your components, it tries to load the file from "C:\Users\dsas\Desktop\tree_sloth\tree_sloth_0.1\tree_sloth_0.1\My Project\dispatch_branches.png" which obviously doesn't exist on my computer, or indeed on any computer except your own.

You need to put these images into the Resources of your GHA and load them from there.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

got it.  thanks so much.

I quite obviously didn't get how to set it up.  I think it's fixed now...


yeh they are turning up in the right places now! Thanks Dude

sweet!!  I'll repost to the blog.

Though the flip last matrix is labeled identically to normal flip matrix. (i don't use icon view)  which will lead to confusion to what is going on in script. 

The same is true of the dispatch, though it has 0,1 output instead of a,b

edit: when 'draw full name isnt selected'

got it.  I'll make the adjustment!  

cool cool

this is something which doesn't work

protected override Bitmap.Icon
            return new  Bitmap(@"C:\Users\dsas\Desktop\tree_sloth\tree_sloth_0.1\tree_sloth_0.1\My Project\flip_last_ico.png");

you have to set your icons in the project not local because nobody has this link.

watch the tutorial of giulio about programming components.


also you have a

'Rhino.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'tree_sloth_0.1'

A first chance exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in System.Drawing.dll

error on your component

it seems you have it setup wrong

thanks for your help!





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