
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Im trying to make a component that has an input that can take a list of both breps, and text.  Then in the component it would sort through the inputs.

Currently I have an input set to List Access with the Type Hint of System.Object.  It takes these inputs just fine, but then when I try to access the inputs, it gives me an error if I try to access the item which is text.

Im testing a list of 

(0) Brep

(1) TestString

(2) TestString

the code looks something like this...

int i = 0;

while(i < MyList.Count)





If I replace "MyList[i]" with "MyList[0]" it works fine.  But when I try to access the text, i get this error:

1. Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (line: 0)

Any advice?

Views: 728

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Ah! You are correct!  Turns out the error was in a different part of the script.  Really what Im looking to do is instead of Printing the type, I want to assigin it to sepperate lists of type string, and GeometryBase... so more like this...

List<string> myString = new List<string>();
List<GeometryBase> myGeom = new List<GeometryBase>();

int i = 0;

while(i < myList.Count)

  if(myList[i].GetType() == typeof(string))
  else if(myList[i].GetType() == typeof(Brep))


    Print("Cannot accept Objects of type " + myList[i].GetType().ToString());



I was able to get around the casting the string with the .ToString().  But have not found how to assign the brep to GeometryBase.  In Theory I would add if statements for all geometry types I want to accept.





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